Monday, March 14, 2016

Long Time No Post

Hey Everybody---

I've haven't posted in a long time on this site and am going to start to post again to keep my creative juices flowing.  I'm still practicing my language skills along with many other things

Thursday, March 6, 2014

I am learning french and portuguese

Hello everybody---

I haven't written a post in a long time-a really long time. I want to get back to writing posts regularly. I want to do this for a variety of reasons. I have also enjoyed writing and enjoy creatively expressing myself. I feel like creative expression is very important for the inner-child inside of all us who wants to tell the world who they are through various mediums. Another reason I want to continue to write is  to keep my mind sharp. I recently started another semester of school and have work and writing to do but i want to be continuously engaging my mind at all times.  I also have a lot of thoughts on the world that I want to share and I haven't been doing that at all recently. Writing on this blog will help me to fill that need.

So back to the title of this post. I have been been recently re-energized to studying foreign languages and have this burning desire to learn the most common romance languages. I already know spanish relatively well and have taken two semesters of italian. I would like to learn french and portuguese as well so as to be the romance language king ( I know there are other less common romance languages, but something excites me about those four).

I have been watching many Youtube videos on polyglots and that led me to learn about some interesting people learning many languages. It also led me to do some research on learning itself and watch some videos on that topic.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I haven't posted in a while, but here it goes. I've been in a routine mode the last couple of months and haven't really done much. My sisters are coming home in a few days, which will be exciting and something new to experience. I guess i need to start figuring out a plan for next year and my life. I don't know what that entails but i need to start somewhere, I suppose.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Learning a new language

I figure learning another language could be a good way to spend time these days for me. Thinking maybe continuing the little of what i know of italian

Monday, January 10, 2011


As long as i can remember i have always been shy or i should say uncomfortable with people maybe large groups of people. I remember going to a basketball camp and being really afraid of doing it or something new.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I saw this parker spitzer piece on autism recently and in the program they revealed the stat that about one in every one hundred and ten kids are diagnosed with autism. There was a man who founded some group about vacination warning on autism and a father of an autistic child. The problem in this situation is that autism and every other disease is not an isolated "thing." Things are always changing and to diagnose someone with autism or any disease is to identify them with the disease. Identity as we know comes from the latin idendum or to make the same. People want an indenity and want to make themselves the same with something. The more identities the better. But true zen is no zen as we know. How can i serve a situation even with these believes, maybe putting them aside for helping people. I have believes and am analytical but am willing to throw all of it away for happiness and to serve.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Lakers Game

I guess i am worried about going to the lakers game with all of the people there. I am losing awareness and am dominated by ego consciousness. I am not functional right now and am almost becoming detached from reality. I am trying to open my mind up more and get honest with myself about my life. I am playing xbox and stretching which feel good.